Friday, October 16, 2009

As My Pregnancy Comes to an End.....

Well, I really cannot believe it, but I am almost done being pregnant!! Gunnar's due date is in 15 days, and if he doesn't come by then, we'll probably induce (because the doctor says we can, so why not??). This pregnancy has gone by SO. INCREDIBLY. FAST. I don't know if it's because I've worked throughout the whole thing, and therefore kept pretty busy, or what, but the time has just flown by. I woke up this morning feeling really sentimental about the fact that soon I will not be pregnant anymore. I know that's weird...I know most people hate being pregnant, and are dying for it to be over. I also know that actually having Gunnar HERE will be way cooler than toting him around in my belly all the time, but still......the realization hit me, that I am going to miss being pregnant. It has just been such a fun, exciting, and special time for Nason and I. That being said, here are the Top Seven Things I Will Miss About Being Pregnant (It started out as Ten, but I didn't want the blog entry to be too long):

1) Lately, I end up falling asleep before Nason when we get in bed. Apparently, once I am asleep, Gunnar gets all fired up, and starts "partying" as Nason calls it. Since I am cuddled up against Nason, Nason can feel Gunnar kicking him on his back, so Nason always says that him and Gunnar hang out and have "guy time" after I'm asleep. It's so cute and sweet.

2) I can eat like a pig (like I secretly ALWAYS want to do, even when I'm not pregnant) and not feel guilty about it.
3) The excitment of something new happening each week with Gunnar....reading about what he's developed each week, watching my stomach get bigger, which means he's growing, seeing how he's changed at each sonogram, feeling him kick and wiggle, and the list goes on and on.

4) The SPECIAL ATTENTION! Yeah...I'd be lying if I said it wasn't kind of nice having everyone treat you like you're way more delicate than you really up their seat for you, carrying things for you, cleaning the bathrooms for you (Nason), etc. : )

5) Our baby doctor appointments. I think they're fun! Maybe that's weird (especially now, considering the fact that I pretty much get brutalized each time I go), but I really like them. Nason and I always go together, our doctor is really fun and never fails to make us laugh with his quirkiness, we usually go have breakfast afterwards (Nason and I....not the doctor), and it's just so fun to get to hear little G's heartbeat...that part NEVER gets old.

6) All of the "firsts". My FIRST time to be pregnant. The FIRST time to have a baby shower, the first time to get to register, the first time to buy baby furniture and set up a crib, the first time to see a "+" on a pregnancy test. So many exciting "firsts". It kind of makes me sad to think that it will probably all be just a tad bit less exciting with the second baby.

7) The feeling of knowing there is a PERSON inside of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is about 10% weird and creepy, and about 90% amazing and awesome and wonderful. Every now and then, when Gunnar moves, it will kind of creep me out, like there's a little alien moving around in my stomach. But most of the time, it just leaves me in absolute awe and wonder, and GRATEFULNESS, that I get the honor of "housing" this little guy until he is ready to enter the world!

And the things I WON'T miss about being pregnant....

- Having to limit my Diet coke intake!!
- Not being able to eat cookie dough or calimari
- MATERNITY CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I cannot WAIT to be able to buy my first cute, non-maternity outfit)
- Waddling instead of walking
- The horrible quality of my sleep

Then and Now.....

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