Friday, April 16, 2010

Look For Lots of New Blog Entries That No One Cares About!!

My friend Leah was telling me last night about a free computer program that takes your blog, and converts it into a book. I had heard about something like this before, but never really knew how to go about doing it. Last night, Leah gave me the rundown, and I am SOOOOOOO excited about turning my blog into a "scrapbook". I think I'll copy Leah's idea, and do one each year. I may just be the last one to know about this website, and the rest of you have already known about this for a while, but just in case you haven't, and you're interested, here's the info Leah gave me:

Download "booksmart"
Work on your blog there
Upon completion, upload your book back to blurb, and then order your book! Leah's only cost her about $20.

Anyway....all that to say, since my "blog" is going to double as a "scrapbook/memory book" for me, there will probably be a lot of entries that aren't that interesting to anyone else, BUT are memory-worthy for me. So beware, and keep that in mind, when reading! : )

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