Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gunnar's 9 and 10 Month Update....Long Overdue!

Well, I have COMPLETELY disappeared from the blogging world for the last two months. No updates, no pictures, nada. However, as I browse through friends' blog's, I feel a little bit better, realizing I am not the only one who has turned into a blog slacker (I mean YOU, Beth Losurdo, Krista Box, Michelle Hunt, and Mary Magee!).

Clearly, I am not a NEW new mom anymore...for the first six months of Gunnar's life, I faithfully posted a monthly update on the very DAY of his month birthday. Months 7 and 8 were posted a few days late. Now here we are at Month 10 (almost 11!!), and I'm two months overdue. It's not that the excitement or newness of having a baby has worn off, it's just that said baby is MOBILE now, meaning that mama has very little time for anything other than chasing after him!

At any rate, Gunnar has changed a lot in the last several months, and so has our life in general! As far as Gunnar is concerned, I refuse to do a list of every single milestone and skill he has achieved/learned, as I know that every single one of your kids have done the exact same things. It's not exactly groundbreaking news to anyone but me, that my 10 1/2 month old can crawl, pull up on things, wave, etc. (I guess I just DID kind of spout out a list). Suffice it to say, Gunnar hit 8 months old, and all of the sudden, he seemed to morph from "tiny baby who can't do anything", to "semi-toddler who seems more and more like a little boy than a baby". We are enjoying him more and more and more every single day. He is so much fun, and is really starting to show his little personality.

So what all as the Hengst Clan been up to since we last "spoke"?

- We moved into our new house! (Pictures below). We are loving it here! It's kind of weird to be in the same neighborhood, but in a totally different house (it feels really different, and really similar, all at the same time). I was sad to leave our other house, but the people who bought it are a really cool, young couple, and may just end up being our new friends! One strike against them- they painted over my beloved yellow walls on Day 1 of moving in. I loved that yellow so much!!! I can't believe they have the nerve to not share my same taste. Ha ha.

- We changed churches. We left Hill Country Round Rock, and are now at Hill Country Northwest. Still a Hill Country Bible Church, just a different location. Hey....kind of like staying within the same "neighborhood", just moving to a different "house". Ha ha. Apparently we like the idea of change, just not TOO much change. We changed churches simply because the location is drastically closer to our house. We miss HCBCRR, and all the people there A LOT. We are really liking our new church though, and Gunnar absolutely loves his little class. He actually cries when we pick him up, most weeks.

- Nason is working from home full-time now. That is, he doesn't have an office at Keller Williams anymore. He still isn't actually HOME full-time, as the nature of his job requires him to be out and about quite a bit, but as far as his actual office-work goes, he does it all from home. Last week was really his first week to do that, and it was a horrible week for him to use, to judge how he's going to like it. Gunnar was sick all week, and therefore, NO napping occured. In it's place, we had a surplus of crying/fussing/whining/overall loudness. Let's hope next week goes better, or Nason may start to rethink his decision.

- I'm still hard at work, training for my half-marathon. I'm up to 7 miles (should be up to 8), and I definitely still can't say it's gotten "easy". I just don't think my body is really meant to run. I pretty much hurt everywhere when I'm done. However, I'm going to keep going with it. I've gotten this far, I'm not stopping! I will say this.. once the race is over, I think I am hanging up my running shoes for a while, and switching gears. Yoga is sounding good to my poor aching bones right about now.


  1. Good for you! So glad you posted :) I love the last pic of J and Gunnar. So cute!

  2. We miss seeing ya'll - loved getting to read your blog to catch up on what is going on in your life!
