So, the latest blog-worthy thing that's happened with Gunnar "and his parents", is that we went on a Babymoon to South Padre. Is babymoon a cheesy term, by the way? Yes, it is. But, that's what it is. Our last big "shabang" before the baby gets here. Not our last big shabang, mind you. Just our last one BEFORE the baby gets here. I point out the difference, because while we were on our trip, we kept finding ourselves saying things like, "Well, it's the last trip as just the two of us (sigh)", or " This is our last time to go to the beach without having a kid with us (sigh, sad face)", etc. etc. Midway through the trip, I realized that not only was that somewhat depressing, it was actually not even true. Nason and I plan to be very intentional about reserving quality time for just the two of us....dates, occasional trips, etc. Not that we're naive enough to think that our life won't change tremendously once the baby gets here, because we know it will, and not that Gunnar won't be a HUGE part of our life, because of course he will. It's just that we intend to make good use of willing grandparents ON OCCASION, for the sake of keeping our marriage alive and kickin' ; ) That being said, it WAS our last trip as a family of two, and we took full advantage of having ten full days with nothing to do, and zero responsibility. What did that look like specifically? Well...sleeping late every day. Staying in pajamas until about 1 pm. Eating whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Lounging on the beach. Reading book after book after book. Getting pedicures. Drinking beer (Nason). Smoking cigars (Nason). Then starting that whole cycle over again. It was great.
Unfortunately, the pictures included here will probably be a bit of a disappointment, since I'm betting anyone who reads this blog is also probably a Facebook friend, and therefore has already these pics, but what would a blog be without at least a picture or two?