Sunday, September 27, 2009

Showers, Shots, and Swine Flu

Shower: I had my second baby shower on the 19th. It was my "family" shower, and my mom, Nason's mom, and my grandma hosted it. It was so much fun, and I (or Gunnar, actually) got SO many great gifts. Sadly, I hardly took any pictures, and the few that I did are so bad, that I'm not even going to post them (although there are a few on Facebook). Nason's Aunt is supposed to be emailing me some that she took, and once she does, I'll post them. Anyway, the shower was great, and I was very thankful to my two mom's and my grandma for all the hard work that they put in. I'm also very thankful for the generosity of all of our family and friends! We have gotten so many things at both showers, that we hardly have anything left to have to buy for ourselves! Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although I have been extremely appreciative for EVERY gift that I've received, there are a few in particular that, for whatever reason, I have been especially excited about. If the gift you got me is not on this list, don't get your feelings hurt : ) Everything I've gotten, I've needed AND requested. There were just certain things that were especially fun to get:

- The letters that spell out "Gunnar" that my mom and grandma gave me
- The picture that hung in Nason's birthday when he was a baby, that his mom gave me
- The "Pajama Time" book that Beth gave me
- The aquarium (for Gunnar's crib) that my Aunt gave me (even though I'm actually not sure anymore that it's going to fit correctly on the crib)
- The bubble bath Michelle gave me
- The sound maker my mom gave me
- The cushy leopard print robe Nason's Aunt Deb gave me
- The "boppy" Cassie gave me

Shots/Swine Flu: For the first time in my life, I got the flu shot. I've never even had the flu before, but there's been so much hype about the flu this year, and especially how dangerous it is for pregnant women, that I figured I better think about getting it. The news was saying pregnant women should get it, my doctor was saying pregnant women should get it, and the overwhelming vote on Facebook was that pregnant women should get it, so I got it. Then, I freaked out about getting it, and second guessed my decision for the next 24 hours. This was my first big "mom" decision. Should I get the shot, and risk the theoretical risk of the stupid ingredient that I can't even pronounce ( "thimerosal") that's in the shot, OR should I NOT get the shot, and risk DYING, or giving the flu to Gunnar once he gets here? Talk about two crappy scenarios! Is there a "win" in this situation? (I know I'm being dramatic, by the way). Anyway, the whole decision, combined with the guilt/worry/anxiety/second guessing afterwards reminded me of how I DON'T want to behave as a mom. I have vowed to not be a worry-wart, not freak out about everything, not be paranoid, etc., and before the little guy even gets here, I already am. This does not bode well for the next 18 years. I haven't even decided if I want to get the swine flu shot too, which is also being recommended by my doctor. One traumatic decision at a time, please!!

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