Friday, September 18, 2009

With 5 1/2 weeks to are the things I'm most curious to find out....

1) If Gunnar will have hair: I've always thought, in the competition for cuteness, bald babies win out over "hairy" babies. Therefore, I've always said that I hoped my baby would be born bald. HOWEVER, for whatever reason, I've recently really begun to hope that Gunnar comes out with hair on his head. I don't know why. It's kind of a weird thing to have a strong preference on, or to care so much about, but I just really do hope he has hair! Only time will tell!!

2) What Nason will be like in the delivery room: Nason is typically the epitome of calm, laid back, and in control. He never (or rarely ever) worries about anything, and HE is usually MY rock. However, he is getting a little freaky on me when it comes to the whole labor and delivery thing. I feel like I am pretty calm about all of it, and not too worried or nevous, whereas HE is the one "crumbling" for once. He has two big fears about the labor process: 1) Not being able to be in control, and do anything for me, while I'm in so much pain. 2) Having to witness all the "yuck" involved with birth. He's not sure his stomach can take it. In fact, he came dangerously close (and I'm not exaggerating) to passing out in our birth class on Tuesday. What's funny though, is that as unsure as he is in his ability to handle his role as "labor coach", I am COMPLETELY confident in him. I have a feeling he's going to end up being a lot cooler in there than he thinks he is. However....only time will tell!!

3) Who Gunnar will look like: Me? Nason? One of our parents? My brother or sister? Some random relative that neither of us have ever even seen, and only one of our grandparents (or someone in that age category) can recall? It could go so many different ways! I feel like the Hengst side of the family has stronger, more dominant features, so I think he's going to look like Nason, but there's really endless possibilities! Will he be cute?? I know he will cute be to US, because we're his parents, but will he be one of those kids where only his parents can recognize his "true beauty"? Only time will tell!!

4) If I TRULY have a "high pain tolerance" like I always say I do: I think I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. In fact, I've even been entertaining the notion of going "all natural" with this birth (much to Nason's dismay). Because of my scoliosis, and having rods attached to my spine, I can't have an epidural. Instead, I have to have a "spinal block", which basically accomplishes the same purpose as an epidural (it's actually even stronger), BUT it doesn't last as long, so it can't be given to me until the VERY end of the labor process. Basically, right before the pushing begins. Part of me wonders if, since I will have already gone so far with no medication, should I just go all the way? I really feel like I could do it, BUT the very idea of it freaks Nason out, plus, at this point, I can only use my imagination to try to figure out what labor feels like. I really have no idea, and therefore, no way of knowing if it's worse than what I'm picturing. Only time will tell!

5) Where will I be/what will I be doing when Gunnar decides "today is the day": I'm working right up until I have him, so I feel like the likelihood is high that I could go into labor while at work. Which would be a little awkward. Awkward especially considering the nature of my job...speaking to high school classes all day every day. What if my water breaks in front of 20 17-year olds? What if the school nurse has to deliver Gunnar? Ha ha. Only time will tell!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! I can't wait to meet Gunnar and see what he looks like and finally see you and Nason as parents! You are going to do great! And don't feel like you have to do the spinal block. I know that it freaks Nason out, but I believe in you. I know it's painful, but plenty of people go "all natural". I'll support you either way! I love you friend and can't wait see you as a mom!
