Sunday, February 28, 2010

About that time...for a Four Month Update

Right now, I really need to be:

- doing my Bible study for Tuesday
- working out
- finishing laundry
- calling my grandma to ask her if she can baby-sit tomorrow
- something productive
- something productive
- something productive

But......the blog was calling my name!!!! Today is Gunnar's 4 month birthday, and in keeping with tradition, I need to do an update. (And I may be up until late, but I WILL get the other things on the list done before I go to bed!)

So yes, anyway, Gunnar is 4 months old today. This time four months ago, I think Nason and I were slowly exiting the "it's so fun to have all these people come and visit us in our hospital room and fawn all over our baby" phase, and just entering the "we are so tired, please PLEEEEEEEEEEASE leave us alone, and by the way, can someone please take the baby out of the room for a while so we can nap????" phase.

I don't have much time to write, so, on to "the list". My top five list for this month's update will be...........

The Top Five Things I Thought I Would Not Do as a Mom, That I Am Now Doing:

1) Spoil my baby: Now some will argue that you cannot spoil a baby, but I beg to differ. I belive that you in fact can, and I was determined that I would NOT. I did not want my kid to be the one who had to be held nonstop, who refused to sleep without someone holding and rocking him, who couldn't stand to be alone, even for a few minutes, etc etc. That being said....Gunnar insists on being held nonstop, he refuses to go sleep without being held, and he cannot stand to be alone longer than 10 minutes. I have created a monster!!!!! Mark my words though.....THAT IS ALL ABOUT TO END!!!! This week begins "baby boot camp" around the Hengst household, and King Gunnar is about to be demoted down to at least prince level. Little Man is going to have some ALONE play time during the day (just some, mind you), he is NOT going to be picked up the second he cries, and he IS going to learn the art of putting himself to sleep. Fellow bloggers.....hold me to this!!

2) Let his pacifier hit the floor, and then stick it back in his mouth without washing it- only at our own house, though : )

3) Add "y" to the end of everything: I HATE (hate hate hate hate hate) when people go overboard with the baby talk thing, and add a "y" to the end of every word. Guess what though? Can I just share with you a few of the words that have worked their way into our vocabulary around here? (This is embarassing, by the way):

Milk= milky
Burp= burpy
Nap= nappy
Poop= poopies
Diaper= diapy
Pacifier= paci (that one isn't so weird, I guess)

Anyway, I am only going to allow myself to continue this for a few more months, and then that's it. That is how I justify doing it for now. Oh...and I'm not the only one...a certain other parent who lives in the same house, uses the same vocabulary. Hee hee.

4) Take his temperature: YOU know what I mean. The very idea used to horrify me, and I was certain that I would be calling my mom over, every time Gunnar needed his temperature checked. Not so, though. It aint no thang.

5) Allow myself to go longer than two months without being back at my pre-pregnancy weight: I have a lingering 10-15 pounds that will not go away. I am somewhat trying to lose it, but I can't say I am really trying my best, and that is surprising to me. While I was pregnant, I thought that the second I had Gunnar, I would start eating salad for every meal, and spending 2 hours a day in the gym, and within a couple of months, I would be back to normal. However, that is neither feasible, NOR desirable. I do need to kick things up a notch, because I don't want to be one of those who NEVER loses my baby weight, but I'm not nearly as obsessed as I pictured myself being. This is both a blessing and a curse.

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