Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy 3 Months, Nasie Gunnar!

Another month has gone by! I cannot believe Gunnar is 3 months old already. My pregnancy went by so fast, and now it seems like the trend will continue, and Gunnar's baby years are going to go by fast, too. Before I know it, he will be a grown man, and I'll find myself saying the cheesy phrase that all parents say, "It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital". In reality though, it honestly DOES seem like just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital. He has gotten so much more fun since that day! He's smiling, laughing, grabbing at things with his hands, and showing definite preferences for his mom and dad over strangers, which makes us feel so special! Anyway, last month, when I did his 2 month blog post, I said I was going to start doing a "Top 5" list each month. Last month was "Top 5 Things I Love Most About Gunnar". This month, I'm going with the "Top 5 Biggest Events in Gunnar's Life Last Month". In no particular order...

1) HE HAD HIS FIRST CHRISTMAS. I was so excited about Gunnar experiencing his first Christmas. That's really kind of funny, because it wasn't exciting for GUNNAR at all. He had no idea that the day was any different, or more special, than any other day. We dressed him up in a special Christmas outfit, (which he peed on about 10 minutes after putting it on), everyone got him presents (which I couldn't even get him to look at), we stuck an ornament in his lap and shoved him in front of the tree to get a picture (which got on his nerves) get the point. Special for us, annoying for him. Next Christmas should be more fun for everyone.

2) HE GOT HIS FIRST SHOTS. I expected this to be so traumatic. I made Nason come with me, because I just couldn't bear the idea of having to pin a screaming Gunnar down on the table while someone stuck a needle in his thigh. I thought Gunnar would go nuts, and I thought I would for sure cry. It turned out to be so easy. Nason did go with me, and held him on the table while I closed my eyes and covered my ears, but Gunnar never even screamed OR cried. He let out one tiny little wailt, and that was it. Such a tough little boy!!!

3) HIS MOM DECIDED TO BE A STAY AT HOME MOM. When I first found out I was pregnant, the plan was that I would quit my job once Gunnar got here. Then, an arrangment was made where I was going to be able to work part-time from home. With that taken into consideration, I thought I may try to keep working. It would be nice to have the extra money, plus I really did like my job. It seemed like a perfect arrangement. However, after Gunnar arrived, I decided that I just didn't want to have to be away from him AT ALL...not even part-time. I also decided that being a mom was way harder than I thought, and I just didn't know if I could do both jobs well.Nason never even wanted me to go back to begin with, so that also played into the decision. So, I let my boss know I would not be coming back, and I officially became a member of the SAHM club. I am loving it, and I am so grateful to Nason for allowing me to be able to do it!)

4) HE GOT HIS FIRST COLD. As most of you know, I was pretty cautious (ok, maybe OVERLY cautious) about not taking Gunnar anywhere for the first 8 weeks of his life, because I was so afraid of him getting sick. Christmas kind of forced me to get over it, and reemerge into the world. I couldn't NOT see family for Christmas. So we went from one extreme (hermits) to the other (visit every family member and friend we've ever had, it seemed), and the Monday after Christmas, Gunnar got a cold. I smugly told my mom and Nason, "I KNEW I wasn't being overly cautious. I KNEW I was right all along to not take him out. Look at what happens the very first time I do...HE GETS A COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". My mom reminded me that it's inevitable that Gunnar is going to get sick at some point, and that I needed to chill out a bit. She was right. Today, I can proudly report that I am totally over the germaphobe period of my life, and Gunnar and I have a very active and healthy social life : )

5) HE STARTED SLEEPING IN HIS CRIB AT NIGHT. This was a slow, hard transition for me. I don't know why, but it was. He started by sleeping in his Pack n Play in our room. Next step was moving him into his crib, while I slept on the floor in his room. THIRD step was him in his crib, me in the guest bed (which is right next to his room). That lasted for a week. FINALLY, at the end of that week, I moved back into our bed, in our room, and the transition was complete! Gunnar does great in his crib, and it feels nice to have our room back to ourselves.

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