Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shout Outs From Gunnar

Gunnar and I were talking yesterday, and he told me that he would like to start writing a featured "column" on his blog, that highlights special people in his life from time to time. In this first edition of "Shout Outs From Gunnar", Gunnar will be focusing on......

His Mimi

Ok, actually, I'm not going to use Gunnar's "voice" to write this entry, because that would be super annoying and cheesy. So I'll use my own voice...just know that the words have all been divinely inspired from Gunnar. Ha ha.

My mom, "Mimi" to Gunnar, is one of the very most special people I know. She has the sweetest spirit, and is always ALWAYS thinking about other people above herself. She's not just a thinker though...she's a do-er. I would say that 99% of my mom's time is spent doing stuff for other people, and MAYBE 1% of her time is spent doing stuff for herself. That is the kind of mom she has always been to me, and that is the kind of grandma she is shaping up to be as well. Mimi is rapidly becoming a very special person to Gunnar, because:

- She is always willing and eager to come spend time with him. She typically asks Nason and I if we'll LET her baby-sit (um...YEAH!), so that she can come spend some time with him each week. She works hard all week long, and really should use her weekends for relaxation, but instead, she faithfully comes over every single weekend and sits for Gunnar, while Nason and I go on a date. Oh, and inevitably, while she's here, she does something helpful around my house. I guess Gunnar doesn't necessarily appreciate that, but I sure do!

- She is an absolute natural with him. I feel 100% completely comfortable leaving him with her, and what's more, is that he is 100% completely comfortable BEING LEFT. She is second only to me in her uncanny ability to soothe him, no matter the degree of fussiness he has attained.

- She is his biggest of Gunnar make up her computer screensaver, her cell phone screensaver, and her deskspace at work. She makes him feel so special!

- She has a sixth sense about her, that allows her to anticipate what he (and I) am going to need before we need it. Everytime I'm out and about with, running errands, etc, she seems to know exactly just what to do to make things quicker, easier, and less stressful for everyone involved. I'd say she has this effect on everyone actually...not just Gunnar.

I will leave you now with some pictures of Gunnar and one of his favorite people in the whole world...his Mimi.

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