Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Mommy, I'm Bored!!!!!" is starting early around here....

Whenever we're out and about places, people always comment on what a good baby Gunnar is. They say, "He's always so happy! It seems like he never cries! He's always so content!" etc. etc....and they would be both right AND wrong in their observation. Gunnar IS always very happy and content when we are out and about, surrounded by plenty of people, and with lots of things going on for him to watch and listen to. However, when we're just hanging at home, it's a little bit of a different story. He's not BAD, but if he's not eating, sleeping, being held, or being walked in his stroller, there's a really good chance that he's fussing.

He has, what I think, is a pretty decent amount of toys, and they seem like fun toys, as baby toys go, but he seems to get very bored with them, very quickly. Sometimes I have him play alone on the floor, while I get things around the house done, but most of the time, I play WITH him, and even then, he is very unimpressed with these toys. For the longest time, he wasn't old enough to play with toys, then he finally reached the age where he was, and he enjoyed them for all of like two weeks, and now he seems to think he's OUTGROWN the toys, and wants to move on to more grown up activities.

Anyway, I don't want the poor guy to be bored and unstimulated all day, so I've been racking (wracking?) my brain trying to think of ways to interact with him that His Highness will find satisfactory, and today, I came up with two ideas that seemed succesful:

1) Sitting on the front porch- we've sat out in the backyard quite a bit, but he seemed to enjoy this more. We were able to watch the cars and trucks go by, the neighbors jogging, the work crew next door working on the house, etc. He was very fascinated with picking the leaves off of the plants out front, too.

2) A game I coined "We're Going on an Adventure". We started at the front of the house, and the goal was, in each room, to find something interesting to explore. So in Nason's office, we dialed numbers on the phone, and listened to the dial tone. In the kitchen, we took apples in and out of the bowl. In his bathroom, we turned the water on and off in the sink, and let him dip his toes in it. In the living room we smelled candles. In his bedroom, we looked at the pictures on his walls, and named each person. In our bedroom, we played in front of the mirror. In our bathroom, we flushed the toilet over and over, and watched the water swirl around. In the dining room, we opened and closed the blinds, and stared out at the neighbors house next door. Oh, and I should mention...as we walked from room to room, I sang "We're going on an adventure. We're searching for something cool" to my own little tune. Ha ha. Sounds dumb, but he liked it a heck of a lot better than playing with his (apparently) crummy toys.

So.......those are my two ideas for the day. Anyone else want to toss out some creative ideas of things to do with a six month old???


  1. what a great mom! :) the adventure game sounds like lots of fun! very creative!! dont worry...Ive been there! :) dancing in the mirror like an idiot, Ive been there! haha Do you have a doorway jumper? Alex loved his! I remember telling my friend Jenny that I felt like I did "centers" with toys, the jumper, the exersauser, etc. and we would "rotate" after only a little while to change up the setting. Even moving the toys in a different room might help. ??? Thats also why I tried to go somewhere every day. It can get exhausting and hard to find free stuff but I tried my best. The library has a great program. Its not just sit and listen to stories- its songs and fingerplays and books and then they can play toys (NEW toys to them). I also loved going to playgroup- again someone else's toys and new faces and Mommy gets to chat with adults! hooray!
    Hang in there! It will get easier! I know you are doing a fabulous job!!

  2. I agree with Cassie...We did stations quit a bit. 2 walks a day to get outside, bubbles, feeding the ducks at the pond. We also tried to get out of the house once a day...we still do that. You can always come over to our house and play !!!

  3. Yes! I agree with Cassie about the library... The Cedar Park library has a lapsit story time for little ones. I took Addison once but it seemed to always fall during her naptime so we didn't go often. It was great though...maybe we can take Joey and Gunnar sometime! :) I like to bring a blanket outside and read books to my kids out there or let joey roll around with some toys. He loves being outdoors. Have you tried Gunnar in a swing? Joey loves to swing outside too! I have two books that have ideas of activities and games you can do with your baby for each month! I used them alot with Addison...I hate to say it, but I have not used them as much with Joey! He gets most of his entertainment from playing with Addison!
