Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That...

We have been sooooooo busy lately.  Like seriously, seriously, busy.  Lots of the busy-ness is "fun busy", some of it is just "BUSY busy", some of it is "drudgery busy", but it's all busy, nonetheless.  What's more,  as I look at our calendar for the next two weeks, it seems to continue for as far as I can see!  Not complaining, because like I said, much of it has been fun and enjoyable stuff, BUT...I AM really craving a night at home, doing nothing other than taking my beloved bubble bath.  Anyway, in just a few words, here is what all we have been up to, AND what all is up ahead!

...I helped host Michelle/Baby Josie's shower at Chez Zee..

.....We went on vacation.....

.....Came home, struggled through one of my infamous "worry episodes" for a few days, started meeting with a lady from church who is going to start mentoring me (love her!), started a new bible study at church, went to a Vision Casting dessert for these lovely people, who are embarking upon this amazing adventure soon, and went to a baby shower for the beautiful people seen pictured below:

.....Attended our Mission 82:3 meeting..oh yeah, did I mention that Nason and I, along with four of our best friends, started up a non-profit organization called Mission 82:3, that helps families adopt?  Well, we did. I guess I need to write a blog post on that soon!!!!  I most definitely will. We are currently helping this family adopt a beautiful little girl from Haiti.  Aren't they just the cutest little family ever??

......Spent some time working on a gender-reveal party for my otha sistah Krista (ha ha), that is going to take place next week, and that I will DEFINITELY have to post some pictures of.  I am so so so so excited about it.  

.....Had an early birthday party celebration with these girls:

....Had a "Girls Night Part 2" at Chuy's (no pics, sorry)

.....Nason got a new assistant, who coincidentally happens to mom. 

Since Nason works from our house, so does she! Everyone keeps asking me "is it fun having your mom at your house every day?" or "is it weird having your mom at your house every day?"'s neither.  If it were going to be anything, it would be fun, because my mom and I are so close.  But...with Nason having worked from our house for so long, I've gotten used to pretending like people aren't at our house, when they really are.  What I mean is, I just tell myself that they're not, so I don't fall into the habit of thinking it's ok to go in the office and hang out with him/them, ask him/them to help me with stuff (Gunnar) etc.  So I just basically pretend no one is there, and we all carry on with business as usual.  

.......I had dye shot up my fallopian tubes, which is somehow supposed to make my likelihood for getting pregnant this month a lot higher, so you can all wait in nervous anticipation along with me, to see how that goes.  

.....Some other random things mixed in there, but that pretty much sums up the last few weeks.  

Upcoming Events in Our Life, That Are Sure To Be Blogged About:

- My birthday on Friday
- A "Messy" Party for Noah's Birthday
- A Girl's Night Out for my birthday Monday Night
- Jake and Krista's Gender Reveal Party!!!!!!! I am sooooooo excited!!!
- The last chapter/small group meeting for our Radical study.  Don't be surprised if we post some FB pics of us in the Sudan or something radical like that, sometime in the near future.  Just kidding.  Or not.  
- Gunnar's upcoming ENT appointment..the boy may be getting tubes : (
- A in, our WHOLE family (parents, in-laws, siblings, the whole shabang) photo session with the very talented Andrea Foster

Stay tuned, guys.  The Gunnar Show has never been so exciting.  (Said with sarcasm).  

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