Saturday, May 12, 2012

Spotlight On....My Mama

An Ode To You, Mom
You're the one who gave birth to me
I believe the time was six-oh-three

What a glorious evening that must have been for you,
I'm sure you and dad were tired of it just being you two

A greater daughter I'm sure there's never been,
When you look at me, you must think, "what a win!!"

I kid, I kid. After all, this post is dedicated to YOU,
So let's begin to describe all the things that are wonderful about Linda Sue!!!

Well, this blog post is throwing me for a loop.  Not because I can't think of anything wonderful or sweet to say about my mom, but because:

a) I can think of too many things
b) I'm not one for a whole lot of mush and sap, but when it comes to my mom, and how much I love her, and what all makes her wonderful, it's kind of hard to NOT incorporate some mush and sap.  

So let the challenge begin.  Goal: communicate just how wonderful my mom is, without going OVERBOARD on the mush and sap.

Best Three Things About My Mom:
1) Her Selflessness
    My mom, without a doubt, puts EVERYONE'S needs and wants ahead of her own. Always.  If her kids are happy, she's happy.  If they're not, she's not. And she'll go to great lengths to make sure that we all always are.  

2) Her Helpfulness
    If my mom is with me, she's helping me, in some capacity.  ESPECIALLY now that I have Gunnar.  Most of the time, not only does she help me with things, but she helps me without me having to ask, and sometimes without me even be able to articulate what it is that would be helpful.  She just knows.  

3) She's An Enthusiastic Listener
    This one may sound weird, but it drives me nuts when you tell a story to someone, and you WANT them to really get into the story you're telling...excited, upset, amused, whatever it is you want them to feel with you......and they just stay kind of.....blah.  Well, maybe it's just because she's my mom, and therefore more interested in my tales than most people, but she always is (or at least always SEEMS) like she really cares about what I'm saying.

4) She's Really Pretty
    Ok, so what if this is shallow??  This bodes well for my future, right?  Assuming I have her genes, that is??

Top Ten Random Great Things About Growing Up With Her As My Mom:
1) Back when big, curled, sprayed bangs were awesome, I had the BEST bangs of everyone I knew.  My mom was an absolute pro at it.

2) A lot of times, when I'd come home from school (high school OR college), she'd have some cool little "treat" laid out on my bed, that she'd gotten me while I'd been gone.  Magazines, candy of some sort, a new outfit, etc.  

3) When I was in the hospital after having had my scoliosis surgery, and feeling and looking like crap, she shaved my legs for me, washed and blow dried my hair, and did my makeup, so that even if I felt like crap, at least I didn't have to look like it, too.

4) She makes the best chicken and rice recipe of all time.  It is literally to this day probably my favorite thing to eat.

5) Sometimes when she baby-sits for Gunnar at our house, I'll come home and randomly find my furniture dusted, my refrigerator cleaned out, or my floor swept.

6) She and I are just typically always on the same wavelength

7) She loved Nason, even before I did.  He used to come over to our house all the time with a bunch of other guys from high school, and she started buying his favorite candy for him, and keeping it in a bowl in our kitchen.  Who knows? Had it not been for her, I may not have even ended up with Nason! 

8) She actually saved my life when I was little.  I almost choked to death on a vitamin, and she fished it out of my throat, seconds before I died (that sounds so dramatic, but I swear it's true)

9) She taught me a lot about maintaining a clean, tidy household.  Now, my house doesn't even hold a candle to hers, in terms of being clean and tidy.  Hers may as well be a model home, and well, mine is a toddler home.  But, I do think most of the time I do a pretty decent job of keeping it pretty nice, and I know it's something Nason really appreciates, so I'm thankful to her for instilling that in me.

10) She introduced me to The Donna Reed Show, The Patty Duke Show, Beach Blanket Bingo, and of beloved All My Children.  

You know what?  I just thought of one more thing.  I know it was supposed to be a Top Ten List, but this is a big one. One that I really appreciate, AND one that I want to strive to duplicate now that I'm a mom, too:

11) A lot of kids, especially when they get to middle school age, and ESPECIALLY high school age, don't really want to hang out with their parents anymore.  But I ALWAYS loved hanging out with my mom, and my parents in general, because I think they both did a really great job of creating fun memories with me, my brother, and my sister.  I don't have memories of just laying around the house being bored.  I have memories of constantly doing fun thing, and being on the go..festivals, picnics, checking out some new cool attraction or restaurant, getting snow cones and strolling around campus at the University of Florida (when we still lived in Florida) ROLLERBLADING AS A FAMILY (how dorky is that?? I loved it though.), and many other fun things.  That is a nod to BOTH of my parents, but I definitely think my mom had a big part to play in that.   

Well, neither of the above lists really did any justice to my mom, but they at least scratch the surface.  How about we try this?


I love you SO VERY VERY MUCH.  You are truly the best mom a girl could ever have.  The primary reason I hope to have a daughter of my own some day, is so that her and I can have a relationship like mine and yours.  Thanks for being my biggest supporter and fan.  Thanks for being such a great example to me of what a lady should be.  Thanks for sacrificing so much for me over the years.  Thanks for showing me how to be strong, in difficult circumstances. Thanks for giving me such a happy childhood. Thanks for being such a great mimi to my Butterton. He loves you SO much. Thanks for fishing that vitamin out of my throat all those years ago, so that I could grow up to HAVE a Butterton.  You are my third favorite person in all the world, and the other two are boys :)

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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