Thursday, May 24, 2012

No Idea What This Post Will End Up Being About

Nason is watching basketball with some friends.  I'm watching 90210 (yes, it's the guiltiest of all my guilty pleasures.  Any show that comes on the CW is a bit embarrasing, but this one is FOR SURE aimed at an audience much younger, and I'd like to think much DUMBER than me, and yet, I watch it.  I like it.  I love it). Anyway, I kind of feel like writing on my blog, as it's been a while since I've done so.  However, I don't really have a particular topic in mind to write about.  I figured I'd just start writing, and see if anything interesting came out.  If not, I'll just erase this, and no one will ever see it anyway.  Or, you may be reading this wondering, "Why in the world didn't she just erase this.  Clearly nothing interesting ever came out"

I haven't done a "weekly update" in a while, and I don't really think that's what I'm in the mood to write about right now.  If I WERE going to do one, our week basically looked like: getting our house painted, hanging with friends, an impromptu family date to Chuy's, one lazy morning at home, an evening spent in the Losurdo's backyard, Gunnar's ear tubes, an impromptu family breakfast at Kerby Lane, women's bible study, hanging with Baby Josie and Fam, Chuy's once again. But yeah...I don't really feel like writing about our week.

I've read two really good books lately:

Both are REALLY good.  At least I thought so.  If you are a HUGE, die-hard Obama fan, and/or don't have a sense of humor, I don't recommend The Obama Diaries.  If you have horrible taste in books, I don't recommend In The Woods.  Seriously, that's the only way you could NOT like it.  Up next on my book list, to be started tomorrow, is Mere Christianity.  I've read it before, but it was a lot of years ago.  Its kind of a "thinking" book, but after zoning out for the last hour to 90210, I think my brain is going to need some use again, by tomorrow.

I totally (well, almost totally) lost interest in American Idol this season, BUT there was one redeeming factor for me:  Philip Phillips.  I seriously love this guy.  If I was 21, and not married, I may have an itsy bitsy "American Idol Crush" on him.  But I'm not and I am, so I don't.  Anyway, me, Nason, AND Gunnar ALL loved this performance:

Gunnar insisted on getting his guitar out, sitting on the living room floor, and singing along with him.   Over and over and over.  Seriously wish I had a video of THAT, but I don't.

We started a new sermon series at church that I'm really excited about.  It's called "Ecclesiastes: The Search For Meaning".  Last week was the first week, and we basically discussed how ironic (dumb)it is that we spend so much time spinning our wheels, exerting mental and physical energy, time, money, and resources, in an attempt to make THIS life significant, and specifically, make ourselves seem/feel significant, when really, this life is "but a vapor", compared to our life in eternity.  Two things Pastor Tim did during the sermon that I liked, and that really made me think:

1) He brought a bottle of bubbles up on the stage, and blew a few.  We watched the bubbles float across the stage for all of about 10 seconds, and then they popped.  He then compared that our lives.  Fun for a few minutes, and then over.

2) He asked us to try to think of our great great grandmothers name.  If you can come up with yours, then you are better than me, because I have no idea, and the assumption was that most of the people in the congregation couldn't either.  The point: when you're gone, not a lot of people even remember you. Even people in your own flippin' family!

Depressed yet?  That was kind of the point.  To come to terms with how INsignificant this life is, so that we can begin to understand that we were created for something SO MUCH bigger and better, and then begin to make our lives here be about THAT.

If you'd like to listen to/watch the sermon, you can go here:

Nason and I are going on a vacation in June (I think).  I say "I think" because we've gone back and forth for months now, changing our mind a million times about if/when/where, so until we're actually in a plane, train, or car headed to our destination, I'm not getting my hopes super high.  However, we do have a date picked out, we do have a sitter secured, so I THINK it's pretty close to being official.  We CANNOT decide where to go, though!  We've considered everything from a "staycation" in downtown Austin (we love doing that), to Mexico, to Florida, to California, to New Orleans, to Vegas, to New York.  It really shouldn't be so hard.  The only components that we're looking for in a vacation are:

- a comfortable bed, where we can sleep late
- close proximity to at least one decent restaurant
- a pool, preferably one where people bring you drinks
- a comfortable place to sit/lay, while we read books all day long

If anyone has suggestions, feel free to send them my way!  Otherwise, we may just end up sending Gunnar to the grandparents, and staying HOME for four days.  After all, there's a comfortable bed that we could sleep late in, Chuy's nearby, a neighborhood pool (and maybe we could pay someone to bring us some drinks), and our own two recliners to sit and read books in all day.  We're not picky.

Well, that brings me to the end of this post, I think.  When it's all said and done, it ended up being pretty pointless and non-interesting, BUT I did give you some good book recommendations, I DID introduce you to the awesomeness that is Philip Phillips, and I DID link you to a potentially life-changing sermon, so I guess it's not a total wash.

I'm off to go kill a few more brain cells watching So You Think You Can Dance!

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