Sunday, February 5, 2012

3 More Thoughts on Tattoos...

1) When I think about OTHER people (that aren't me) getting tattoos, over the age of 30, it doesn't necessarily seem like a desperate attempt to cling to youth.  It's only when I think of myself doing it....and even then, it's more that OTHER people will VIEW it as a desperate attempt to cling to youth.  So all of you (several of whom I've talked to since writing this blog post) who are over 30 and thinking about getting tattoos...I don't you think you're dumb.  Which leads me to my next point...

2) Krista're one of the coolest girls I know, and if you get a tattoo, even at the ripe old age of 32, I won't think you're lame.  I promise.  I was (and still am) the biggest supporter you have, of the half-sleeve idea.  Plus, you look like you're 25.  18, even.  If you get a tattoo, people may think you're too YOUNG to get one, and that you need your parents permission first :)

3) My sister, an Authentic Tattoo Person, has assured me that people in their 30's are most definitely NOT too old to be getting tattoos.


  1. Haha... love the shot out! Thanks friend! I think you should get another tattoo and we should go together. I already have my second one planned and I haven't gotten my first yet. (Maybe this week!)

  2. I don't know why I never saw this post till now, BUT, clinging to youth doesn't even cross my mind for us "oldies" who are still wanting tattoos. I think the lines on my face and the gray hairs give me away =}...Now if I could just come up with the design I could maybe move forward with it.
