Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nason and I Might Need Some Lessons...

Is there a class called "Babymaking 101" that everyone else has taken, that Nason and I were both somehow absent for?  I know we both were present during Sex Ed, in high school, and I THINK they covered all the necessary info on how one goes about getting pregnant, and yet....we struggle.  There is nothing wrong with either of us (trust me, we've gone through all the tests), but for some reason, it just takes us a looooooooong time to make a kid.  It took us a year and half with Gunnar, and now here we are on Month 8 of trying for Hengst Kid #2, with no luck.  I know it could be worse.  I know some people try a LOT longer than that before getting pregnant, and some people are never able to get pregnant at all.  I know that after trying for 18 months with Gunnar, 8 months really shouldn't even seem like any big deal...and it's not.  We're still totally fine.  We're not in the depths of despair, or even close.   In fact, I'm super pumped that I'm not pregnant pumped in fact, that I composed a list of all the reasons that I am just THRILLED that my womb is still empty.  (and that of course is a huge lie.  I'm not super pumped at all, but I figured I may as well try to make the best of it, and think of some reasons why it's awesome to not be pregnant).  So here goes:

1) When we were trying to get pregnant with Gunnar, somewhere around month 12, at which point I WAS entering the "depths of despair", I concluded that God's timing was a lot better than mine, and that I really didn't WANT to get pregnant even one day sooner than when God wanted me to get pregnant, and so if I wasn't pregnant yet, it was only because, for reasons that I didn't understand, God had a much better due date in mind than I did.  So I'm reminding myself of that same truth this time around

2) Ideally, I would like my kids to have birthdays at least two or three months apart.  Then I don't have to feel guilty about asking people to attend two different birthday bashes back to back, or buy two birthday presents back to back, for our kids.  (Ok ...people like Michelle and Mary who DO have children with back to back birthdays...remember, I'm trying to make myself feel better by composing this list, and really am just grasping at straws, so just let me have this, but know that I don't mind going to your kids back-to-back parties)

3) I don't have to wear maternity clothes yet.  I was kind of excited the first time around to be pregnant, and wear maternity clothes even, but now, I would gladly bypass all of that, and just have my newborn handed to me, having never gained a single pound myself, or been forced to wear jeans with an elastic waist.  Gross.  I was NOT a cute pregnant person, like I'd always hoped I would be, and I'm not anxious to repeat that particular part of the experience.  Who wants to have to lose 55 pounds?  Not me.

4) I can drink wine, margaritas, coffee, and diet coke for a little bit longer.  I wasn't really even a huge coffee drinker when I was pregnant with Gunnar.  Now I am, and I cannot even imagine what I am going to do without my morning cup of joe.

5) I have at least 9 more months of spending precious time with JUST Gunnar, and not having to share my attention with another kid.

6) Precious as that time with Gunnar is, that little rascal has really been stretching our patience thin lately, and perhaps it's a GOOD thing that it'll be a while still before we add another one into the mix.  Maybe God knows what we can handle better than we do!!

7) If I can just hold out another couple of months without getting pregnant, I will not have to be big and fat during the hottest months of the year, and THAT may just be the #1 Greatest Thing on this list.

So...yippee for not being pregnant!  In fact, I've so convinced myself that it's great to not be pregnant, that I think maybe mine and Nason's new goal will be to NOT get pregnant ( THAT the little tip that all of you learned when you attended Babymaking 101??)

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