Friday, March 9, 2012

Ah, Disappointment....How I've Missed You!

So, my lifelong dream to be a co-host on the Bobby Bones show was ALMOST realized this week. If I wasn't a stay at home mom, and I could have ANY career, here is what I would choose to be, in this order:

1) a political speechwriter
2) a psychiatrist, and one who deals with only the very craziest of the crazies
3) Oprah
4) Amy from the Bobby Bones show

Anyway,  I was so close.  I was NINE people away from actually breathing in oxygen from the same room as Bobby, Lunchbox, and Carlos.  Apparently, I was nine funnier, cooler, more original, people away.  Or at least six. Gosh, what is WRONG with me?  Why I am such a LOSER? Why doesn't anyone LIKE  me??  Just kidding.  I still like myself, and all.  I WAS disappointed though.  Not curl up and cry, and ask "Why God? Whyyyyy?????" disappointed, but "feel like a little bit of air is being let out of your tire" disappointed.  But you know what I realized shortly thereafter?  That was the first time I had been disappointed like THAT, in a long time, was actually kind of a GOOD feeling.  What?!? (you may ask).  Well, let me explain.

It's not that I don't give myself enough goals and challenges.  I think I do.  But they're not necessarily COMPETITIVE goals and challenges.  They're more like "things I want to become better at", or "areas I need to improve upon" or "systems I want to implement, to make my life/household/parenting/etc better".  I've even set a few physical goals for myself in recent years, like running my first 10K, and then running two half marathons shortly thereafter, and there was definitely a good deal of satisfaction in setting, then working towards, then achieving those goals, but there still wasn't any COMPETITION involved. It was just me competing against my inner lazy self, I guess.  

Anyway, it was kind of GOOD to have something that I had to compete for... something I had to wait in anticipation to find out the results of, EVEN IF the results ultimately kind of sucked.  It made me realize that I might be a little more competitive than I previously realized, and that maybe it would be good for me to figure out some sort of an outlet for my competitiveness. By the way, ever since the competition ended, I have not been able to stop thinking of ideas for "Be Amy for a Day" videos.  I'm kind of obsessed.  I have a whole slew of them now, and if ever Amy is gone for the day again, and they repeat this competition, I think I've got it in the bag this time around.

I know everyone that reads this blog has surely already seen my video on Facebook, but here it is again.  Also, if you haven't seen the video of the girl who won, I included that for you too.  It really is good, and I think she definitely deserved to win (damn her!).  Just kidding.

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