Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly Musings

Had a Lovely..
Little playdate at Beth's house this week, with The Gang (Gunnar, Noah, Camp, Enock, Joey, Addison, and Lucy).  However, watching the kids run wild in Beth's backyard, while us grown-ups got to sit on the patio and hang out, is making me (once again) seriously re-think the "beauty" of living on a greenbelt (aka snake-infested) lot, where kids CANNOT run wild in the backyard. Rather grow-ups have to follow behind their every step, constantly scanning the yard for snakes.  Or, at least, in my head that's what has to be done.  Possibly I'm a bit paranoid, and city-mousish, but neverthless, Gunnar's only experience at backyard play happens at other people's houses, mostly the Losurdo's.  Don't mean to sound unappreciative of our house, and our awesome yard...I really do love it, and am very grateful for it, but if I were to do it over again, I'm not sure I would have bought this house/lot until we had older kids (who can watch out for snakes by themselves)

On Wednesday...
I kept Beth's kids for her for a few hours, while she ran some errands, and I made two discoveries:

1) I'm capable of taking care of 4 kids at one time, and all of them made it through the morning unscathed!  (To be honest, my friend Michelle ended up coming over for a good chunk of the time, and so technically I had help, but there were at least 2 hours where I was all alone, and I did just fine, thank you very much!)

2) I soooooo want a little girl one day. I got to do some girly things with Addison while I was sitting for her, and it made me realize that as much as I LOVE my boy, I just seriously NEED a girl at some point.  I mean,  I got to color girly pictures with, she WANTED me to draw rainbows and hearts for her....and she has a little pretend vanity in her room, that were it not for the fact that I also had two rambuncious boys to entertain, I would have LOVED to play with.  Oh, and we read a book called, "Pinkalicious"...I was actually disappointed when we got interrupted by the boys, and weren't able to keep reading it.  Nevermind Nason's opinion on the topic...I am too girly to NOT have a girl of my own.

I am involved in..
Three different Bible studies right now, and I am loving all three of them (I'm really not trying to be a "spiritual overachiever" or something.  It's just kind of worked out that way)

1) Biblical Womanhood
If you are not attending this, or AT LEAST listening to it online, you are seriously missing out.  You really are.  Just go to this link, and get caught up:

2) Reading "The Prodigal God" with a group of people.
Really like it.  Thanks for the recommendation, Box's.

3) Reading "Radical" with our small group.
I've already shared some thoughts on this book, but I'm due to share some more.  So some day, when   there are no good shows on TV, and your significant other is elsewhere, andl hanging out with them isn't an option, and your kids are in bed, and you don't have any good books to read, so therefore you have nothing better to do, feel free to jump on here and read my long and rambling post, most likely to be titled "More Thoughts on Radical".

Is how I'd describe our weekend.  It consisted of a date night at a baseball game, a doughnut breakfast with our boy, a fun morning at Play for All Abilities park, a MUCH NEEDED haircut, a party with our dear Magee cousins, a succesful 10K ( I am so incredibly proud of my mom by the way, but I will have another blog post about the race soon), lunch at Chuy's with family and friends, a shopping trip, and a fun date night with my little man.

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